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Property No: A220602
Property details
Property No A220602 土地   1136.8万円
Address 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町発地2223-17
Transporation しなの鉄道「中軽井沢」駅より約4.5km(車で約9分) しなの鉄道「信濃追分」駅より約4.9km(車で約9分) 新幹線「軽井沢駅」駅より約8km(車で約13分)
Area 536㎡(約162.42坪)
Usage area 無指定地域 Geography 原野
Usage area 無指定地域
Geography 原野
Building coverage 50% Floor-area ratio 100%
Building coverage 50%
Floor-area ratio 100%
Right form 所有権 Tangential road 北側幅員約4m、接道約25.81m
Right form 所有権
Tangential road 北側幅員約4m、接道約25.81m
Other 軽井沢自然保護対策要綱、長野県景観条例、軽井沢景観育成ガイドラインによる制限あり
Construction date Construction
Construction date
Administration fee 0円
delivery 即時 Transaction type 媒介
delivery 即時
Transaction type 媒介
Remarks 水道引込工事完了後の引渡し
[About expenses necessary for actual property purchase]
Property price
Other expenses
Brokerage fee
about 441,144yen purchasing
Contract stamp fee
about yen purchasing
Registration fee
about yen purchasing
Property tax
about yen purchasing annual
Management fee
about yen purchasing annual
Other premiums etc.
about yen annual
Property acquisition tax
about yen after acquisition
(Explanation of Tag)
purchasing Amount required for purchase.
* Fixed asset tax, administrative expenses etc. necessary at the time of purchase are only the buyer burden amount generated after apportionment with the seller.
annual The amount required each year
after acquisition After acquiring real estate, the amount required only once
Approximate total

(Caution) The above indication is an estimate for image of the total expenses necessary at the time of purchase, so it differs from the various expenses that occur at the time of actual transaction. In addition, utilities expenses etc. will occur separately. Please note.

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